2 useful Polling functions in JavaScript

Sometimes we need to wait for something to be happened in a webpage or web application before we execute a code or call a function or do something else.

By something I mean:

  • rendering of a HTML element
  • a JavaScript event
  • response from API

and many other things.

Let's see how to write a couple of functions to tackle these scenarios:

Poling function 1: wait for HTML element
var waitForElement = function(elem) { if (typeof elem == 'string') { return new Promise(function (resolve) { var wfelem = function () { if (null != document.querySelector(elem)) { resolve(document.querySelector(elem)); } else { window.requestAnimationFrame(wfelem); } }; wfelem(); }); } };

We can use the above poling function when we need to wait for a certain HTML element.

waitForElement('button#addToCart').then(function(button) { button.textContent = 'Buy Now'; });
Poling function 2: wait until a function returns true
var waitUntil = function(callback) { if (typeof callback === 'function') { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var tick = setInterval(function() { if (callback() === true) { clearInterval(tick); return resolve(); } }); }); } else { console.error(callback + ' should be a function'); } };

We can use the above function to wait until one or more conditions meet the criteria before further execution of the code.

window.waitUntil(function () { return "complete" == document.readyState; }).then(function () { console.log("Page loading complete!"); });

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