7 posts tagged with "JavaScript"

RxJS - ajax & fromFetch operators
Jan 29th 2021

CRUD operations are fundamental features of any modern website or web application. Almost everyday we need to write code in the Front-End to…

JavaScript Arrow Functions
Nov 1st 2020

Arrow function was introduced with ES6 as a new syntax for writing JavaScript functions. There are a few differences between arrow functions…

Swipe function for touch-devices in Vanilla JS
Oct 20th 2020

When we need to implement Swipe functionality for touch devices, we usually use plugins. But we can write touch-swipe functionality in…

JS Coding Challenge: Find Anagrams
Oct 12th 2020

An anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of a different word or phrase, typically using all the original letters…

2 useful Polling functions in JavaScript
Oct 10th 2020

Sometimes we need to wait for something to be happened in a webpage or web application before we execute a code or call a function or do…

Modern Browser APIs - Part 1
Oct 3rd 2020

The modern browsers have created a handful of APIs which can help the developers to build applications that can perform better, work offline…

Use Regex in JavaScript to Improve Search Results
Sep 2nd 2019

Being able to accurately and efficiently filter search results based on a user’s input is vital for ensuring a positive and effective user…


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